Mini Webinar Series

COVID-19 & Urban Vulnerability in INdia: WEBINAR Videos

The on-going COVID-19 pandemic impacts India’s urban poor in significant ways, due to dense living conditions, inadequate infrastructure for sanitation and potable water, loss of livelihood opportunities and more.

In a series of three webinars, civil society experts discuss the current situation of urban vulnerable population groups through the lens of the work of their organizations.

PRATIMA JOSHI - COVID-Response in informal settlements: The
need for accurate slum data

Pratima Joshi is a founding member and the executive director of Shelter Associates, a Pune-based NGO established in 1993 to improve the living conditions of the urban poor in India. Shelter Associates works in slums and informal settlements to provide technical support for, and facilitate access to, improved housing and essential services. 

MASHAL - Ad-hoc response to address food and livelihood insecurity due to COVID-19 in Pune, India 

Sharad Mahajan is the executive director of the Maharashtra Social Housing and Action League, a Pune-based NGO dedicated to the provision of adequate shelter and a healthy living environment for residents of informal settlements, advocating for access to basic services as a human right.